Long-term breeding bird monitoring program in Southeastern Poland

Dear Observers!

The Małopolskie Ornithological Society encourages continued data collection and entry into the MTO Observation Database using the ornithological atlas method and taking control of selected atlas squares. Currently, we are processing data on bird occurrences from the years 2014-2021. However, this does not mean the end of our activity and our main goal, which is the continuous monitoring of bird populations in our region. This requires the regular collection of data on bird occurrences and numbers, especially during the breeding season. Therefore, we are launching the atlas program once again, and its results will serve for ongoing assessments of the state of our avifauna, as well as for future regional and nationwide studies.

The map displaying the distribution of atlas squares can be found on our MTO Observation Database. Simply zoom in on the map to get a more detailed view of the atlas squares, their designations, and the number of bird species recorded. Currently, we are essentially starting fieldwork from scratch, and it should be assumed that the squares are unchecked. Please send the code of your chosen square or squares (e.g., F8B1) to the email address - sekretariat@mto-kr.pl.

The research involves triple-checking this area (in mid-April, May, and June) and recording all observed bird species. It is not necessary to cover the entire atlas square, only to visit selected and characteristic environments such as river valleys, reservoirs, fish ponds, forests, villages, towns, meadows, and fields. All observations should be entered into the MTO Observation Database. If someone has not yet entered their observations there, we kindly ask to fill out the two forms provided on the website - the declaration and the list of observed species. After receiving these forms, we will send the login and password to access the database.

We encourage you to participate in the project and to systematically input your observations!

Text by Katarzyna Mikicińska (President of MTO).

Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva) - Photo by Karl Adami.

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