In 2022, the Małopolska Ornithological Society (MTO) initiated a collaboration with Enea Operator for research and protection of the White Stork within the Enea Operator's operational area. During the 3rd Spring Congress of MTO on March 19, 2022, the program of collaboration between MTO and Enea Operator was presented, along with the display of the Enea Operator logo. As part of this collaboration, we undertook the ringing of white storks in the Enea Operator's operational area. In this area in 2022, we ringed a total of 742 young storks in 292 nests across five voivodeships. On February 3-4, 2023, the 10th Congress of the White Stork Research Group took place in Tomaszów Bolesławiecki, during which Kazimierz Walasz, PhD presented the results of stork ringing in 2022 as part of the Program for the Study and Conservation of the White Stork in Poland. These results included the ringing in the Enea Operator's operational area, along with the display of the Enea Operator logo.
W ramach współpracy z Enea Operator w 2023 r. zorganizowano obrączkowania bocianów białych w obszarze działania Enea Operator. 7 obrączkarzy indywidualnych i zespołów wykonywało obrączkowania bocianów białych. Łącznie zaobrączkowano 883 młodych bocianów w 340 gniazdach na terenie 66 gmin oraz 4 młode w ośrodkach rehabilitacji. W pracach pomagało 20 wolontariuszy. Uczestnicy obrączkowań przekazywali także mieszkańcom, w miejscach obrączkowania, ulotkę informującą o naszej współpracy i wsparciu ze strony Enea Operator.
Photo gallery from the ringing of white storks: