Program for the Study and Conservation of the White Stork in Poland

The shared concern of energy companies in Poland for the White Stork


As part of the program, plans have been made for the ringing of storks in their nests, tracking their progress, collecting information about the need for nest repairs, organizing nest repairs, gathering information about hazardous locations on power lines where storks are at risk, for their protection. The project also aims to educate local communities about nest protection and the preservation of habitats that serve as essential foraging grounds for storks.

In 2019, Tauron Dystrybucja SA proposed cooperation with the Małopolska Ornithological Society (MTO) to protect the white stork in the areas of its operation. In the first year, we began the ringing of young white storks in Śląskie and Małopolska voivodeships. They ringed 130 young storks in 49 nests. In 2020, the project covered the Dolnośląskie, Śląskie, and Małopolska voivodeships. We ringed a total of 607 storks in 245 nests. In 2021, we also initiated collaboration with PGE Dystrybucja S.A. In 2021, we ringed storks in five voivodeships within the Tauron Dystrybucja area of operation and two voivodeships within the PGE Dystrybucja area of operation. Between June 16 and July 22, 2021, we ringed a total of 1,247 storks in 456 nests. All birds received green plastic rings in addition to the standard metal rings. In the voivodeships of Śląskie, Dolnośląskie, and Małopolska within the Tauron Dystrybucja area, we ringed a total of 820 storks in 295 nests. In the PGE Dystrybucja area in 2021, we started ringing in the Świętokrzyskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships, where we placed rings on 458 stork chicks in 172 nests. In Podkarpackie voivodeship, we ringed 275 chicks in 107 nests, and in Świętokrzyskie voivodeship, 183 young storks in 65 nests. One of the young birds, in a nest located in the village of Skotniki Dolne, Wiślica municipality in Świętokrzyskie voivodeship, received a GPS-GSM transmitter funded by PGE Dystrybucja. Detailed information about the fate of this bird can be found in the "Our Storks with a Transmitter" section.

In 2022, we continued our collaboration with Tauron Dystrybucja SA and PGE Dystrybucja SA. Both companies funded the rings, and the PGE Foundation also contributed to the purchase of transmitters for storks. In 2022, we initiated cooperation with the other two major power line operators, Enea Operator (western Poland) and Energa Operator (northern and central Poland). Throughout Poland, 23 teams ringed a total of 2,586 young white storks in 997 nests, along with 3 adults and 21 young storks in rehabilitation centers. The program also involved cooperation with ornithologists from Slovakia and Ukraine. We carried out ringing activities in all voivodeships in Poland, except for Opolskie voivodeship, where Joachim Siekiera has been ringing young storks in all nests in the region for several years. Some activities within the program are also carried out jointly with Joachim Siekiera.

In 2023, we continued our collaboration with all four power grid operators in Poland: Enea Operator, Energa Operator, PGE Dystrybucja, and Tauron Dystrybucja. These companies provided funding for the purchase of rings and transmitters, as well as supplied teams with lifts. In 2023, we ringed a total of 3,069 young storks in 1,235 nests across Poland, with an additional 14 young birds in rehabilitation centers. Rings were applied by 39 teams and individual ringers, supported by 42 people. We equipped 13 storks with transmitters. As part of the program, we also continued our cooperation with ornithologists from Ukraine, who ringed 74 chicks in 28 nests at 4 locations.

Since the beginning of the Program in the years 2019-2023, we have ringed 7,633 young storks in 2,982 nests, along with 53 young birds in rehabilitation centers and 4 adult storks. We fitted 26 transmitters to young storks and 2 to adults.

Information about storks with loggers can be found here: LINK

More information about the cooperation with power grid operators can be found by clicking on the operator's logo:


Photo gallery from the ringing of white storks:




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